Lectures and Career Orientation Events

Students and postgraduates of the Saint Petersburg Mining University of Empress Catherine II have the opportunity to attend keynote lectures delivered by prestigious guests of the university – academicians, political scientists, and economists. The topics, as a rule, correspond to the professional interests of the speakers, and the format involves a dialogue where young people can ask questions of interest, including those about the lecturer's career path and their rise to prominence.

Recently, the university has hosted figures such as Konstantin Simonov, Director of the National Energy Security Fund; Sergey Alekseenko, a member of the Presidium of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, an expert in thermophysics, energy, and energy saving; and Karin Kneissl, former Foreign Minister of Austria. The main focus of their speeches was on the prospects of various energy sources, with the key conclusion being that the evident shortcomings of alternative energy sources will not allow them to fully replace oil and natural gas in the foreseeable future.

List of keynote lectures and career guidance events
№ Title of the Keynote LectureLecturerRelevant SpecialtiesMain Topics Covered
1How Earth was born, its structure, and its development in the present dayProf. Egorov A.S.All specialtiesThe lecture is dedicated to modern cosmological and geotectonic concepts regarding the conditions, sequence, and geodynamic environments of Earth's formation. It is focused on transmitting knowledge about the internal structure of Earth, its energy sources, and the influence of geological processes on the parameters of Earth's current structure, both from past geological epochs and the present day.
2Modern Challenges and Prospects for the Development of Mining TechnologiesProf. Kazanchin O.M.



Applied Geology

A brief overview of the state of the mineral resource complex in Russia and globally is presented, along with trends in the production and consumption of mineral resources. Modern challenges to mining technologies are noted, including the increasing complexity of mining and geological conditions, the decrease in valuable components in ores, infrastructure challenges, and public opposition to mining development in their regions, among others.
3New Knowledge in the Genesis of HydrocarbonsProf. Prischelta O.I.

Applied Geology

Oil and Gas 

An analysis of new theoretical knowledge in the field of hydrocarbon genesis is provided, along with justification of the potential and practical achievements in involving reserves located in low-permeability rocks, at great depths, in complex geological conditions, and on continental shelves into industrial production. The key role of geologists in integrating vast amounts of data obtained from geological and geophysical observations, drilling, and laboratory research is highlighted.
4Electric Power Engineering. Energy EfficiencyProf. Shklyarsky S.V.All specialtiesThe main components of the electric power industry are presented, including energy sources, electricity generation, transmission, and consumption. The key areas of specialization in the departments of the energy cycle are: automated electric drives, power quality, energy efficiency, and autonomous energy sources.
5Issues of Economics and Management in the Mineral Resources ComplexProf. Chernopyshchev A.V.All specialtiesThe current structure of the mineral resource complex is discussed, with data provided on the reserves and extraction of major types of mineral resources. Russia's position in the global distribution of mineral resources is presented. Economic indicators related to changes in the production costs of certain types of minerals are shown, along with forecasts for shifts in demand for resources that are of increasing strategic importance.
6Current Status and Prospects for the Development of Oil and Gas FieldsAssoc. Prof. Tananykhin D.S.

Oil and Gas 



An assessment of the raw material base of Russia's oil and gas industry is presented. The key problems and challenges of the industry are analyzed, including increasing oil recovery rates, import substitution of pipelines, the implementation of LNG projects, and the construction of gas and petrochemical plants.
7Current State and Prospects for the Development of Mechanical Engineering as the Foundation of Material ProductionProf. Maksarov V.V.

Mechanical Engineering

Technological Machines and Equipment

It is shown that the main task of mechanical engineering is to provide society with new, increasingly advanced machines. However, the domestic industry still significantly depends on the technologies and equipment of Western companies. Prospective directions for the development of the mechanical engineering industry are presented, which will ensure a technological breakthrough in a short period.
8Digital Transformation in Mineral Resource EnterprisesAssoc. Prof. Zhukovsky Y.L.All specialtiesIt is shown that the use of digital technologies increases the efficiency of industrial, organizational, and business processes. The development of technologies aimed at improving production quality in the mineral resource and fuel-energy complexes is highly relevant. This includes increasing recovery rates of mineral and energy resources, reducing losses during extraction and processing, and improving key economic production indicators.
9Cycle of Lectures on "Ethics and Business Etiquette"Assoc. Prof. Larina T.A.All specialtiesThe course introduces participants to the basic principles of ethics and morality, modern business etiquette, and rules of conduct in various communication situations: how to start and maintain business and social conversations, how to dress for a presentation, how not to be intimidated by the variety of tableware at a banquet, how to choose the right gifts, and many other topics. Knowledge of these principles helps make a favorable impression in society and achieve success in the business world.
10Main Historical Milestones of the St. Petersburg Mining UniversityAssoc. Prof. Ryzhik S.N.All specialtiesThe lecture is dedicated to the historical journey of Empress Catherine II Saint Petersburg Mining University, from the early days of the Mining School's founding to the beginning of the 21st century. The focus is on the organization of the educational process and the transformations that took place at Russia's first higher technical educational institution throughout its 250-year history.

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